Sunday, July 28, 2013

Hand Held Gallery Update

Although Hand Held Gallery has officially closed its doors, the gallery will remain in place until further notice. It is currently open by appointment on Fridays and Saturdays. To make a time to call in, contact Megan Herring by email on

Megan has just done a re-hang of Hand Held's extensive zine collection, including a display devoted entirely to my books and those of zinester extraordinaire Paul Compton.

Hand Held Gallery zines: installation view

Klein/Compton book art

A recent visitor to the gallery was Helen Cole from the State Library of Queensland. She called in on Friday afternoon and acquired a number of zines for the library's permanent collection, including my mini-zines Secret Hairstories, Hairlooms, Poker Faces and Moth Woman Vigilantes - a Menace to Society.

Above (clockwise): Secret Hairstories, Hairlooms, 
The Moth Woman Vigilantes – A Menace to Society, all 2011 
and Poker Faces, 2012, each 10.5 x 7.5 cm (closed)